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UC-MSC Clinical Treatments

Cell-based medical therapies and vaccines cultivation, manufacturing, or distribution under license.

What are Stem Cells?

A stem cell is said to be the mother of all the cells in the body. It forms the “baby” basic cells (clones of itself) to be differentiated into various types of cells to carry out specialized functions in the body for example red blood cells, muscle cells, and intestinal epithelial cells, just to name a few.

Things you need to know about stem cells

Autologous Disadvantages

  • Long term availability.

  • Painful extracting process for the patientà higher likelihood of complications.

  • Aged MSCs present lagged capability in proliferation, differentiation, and immunoregulation therefore aged cells showed impaired therapeutic outcomes in the disease model.

  • Aged MSCs would rather deteriorate the disease severity by causing “inflammaging” in the body of recipients.

  • Aged MSCs display a senescence-associated secretory phenotype (SASP) that contributes to the progress of aging of neighboring cells, impaired regenerative function, and immune cell recruitment after administration.

  • Cells from your own body are not automatically safe when used in treatments

1. Autologous / Allogeneic

The key difference between autologous and allogeneic stem cell transplant is that, in autologous stem cell transplant, one’s own cells are used in transplantation, while in allogeneic stem cell transplant, a donor is matched prior to transplantation and then administered.


  • Many stem cell therapies offered do not have the regulatory approval or are outside the confines of legitimate and registered clinical trials. Before pursuing any stem cell therapies in the market, carefully assess them!

  • Stem cell therapy is safe if the physician follows the proper administration techniques, and the patients are screened for the treatment candidacy beforehand.

  • Common short-term side effects such as headaches, nausea, and fatigue following the treatment but will usually subside after 1-2 hours.

2. Safety of stem cell/side effect

Side effects

  • The type and dose of chemotherapy drugs used before the transplant

  • Patients age and general health

  • Dose of radiation therapy given before the transplant

  • How satisfactory the donor stem cells match

* Beware of stem cell treatments offered without regulatory approval or outside the confines of a legitimate and registered clinical trial.

3. Sources of stem cell

Bone Marrow

  • Most ideal source before umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cell discovered

  • Invasive and painful acquisition process

  • Risk of infection in bone tissue

  • Age of the stem cells follows the donor

Adipose Tissue

  • Invasive collection method by liposuction

  • High chance of fats embolism

  • High tendency of stem cells differentiating into adipocytes spontaneously

  • Lowest proliferative capability

  • Age of stem cells follows the donor

Dental Pulp Periodontal Ligament

  • Limited number of cells can be collected

  • Generating enough cells for the clinical application requires multiple passages which may reduce the potency of stem cells

  • Invasive and tedious harvesting procedures

  • Risk of microbial contamination is high

  • Age of the stem cells follows the donor

4. Preconditioning of stem cells

5. Frozen or fresh


  • Contain DMSO which may cause allergic reactions

  • Prone to contamination due to increased manipulation steps

  • Stem cells are kept at extremely low temperature of -190⁰C. Just before they are used, cells thaw and spin rapidly to room temperature. This temperature shock (~220⁰C) may harm the cells and reduce its efficiency

  • Freeze-thawed MSC's can be held for a maximum 2 hours

  • Lower survival rate and less clinical responses


  • Does not contain DMSO, a cryoprotectant

  • Less possibility of contamination

  • Cells are not subjected to any shock

  • Fresh MSC's can be held for 8 hours @ 4⁰C

  • Higher survival rate in body and better clinical response

6. Number of live stem cell

  • The number of cells present ≠ number of live cells present

  • Live cells serve clinical application while dead cells do not

  • Higher viability rate for stem cells is present in fresh culture than in the frozen culture.

7. Injection routes

  • The optimal delivery route provides the most regenerative benefit with the lowest side effects.

  • The most common routes for stem cell delivery are the intravenous and intramuscular injections.

  • Intravenous route transports stem cells systematically around the body in the blood and the stem cells will be attracted by the rescue signals sent by injured tissues or organs.

  • Intramuscular route usually targets the inflammation in the muscle and joints in which stem cells activate muscle anabolic and catabolic systems, accelerating muscle protein turnover.

Umbilical Cord/Cord Blood Placenta

  • Most ideal source currently

  • Non-invasive collection method

  • Low risk of contamination

  • Possessing the unique ability to differentiate into 3 germ layers

  • Youngest age of stem cells, following the donor who is extremely young. Hence, greater proliferation rate and lower rejection risk.

*  Different types of stem cells serve different purposes in the body. Be wary of clinics offering treatments with stem cells originating from a part of your body unrelated to your disease or condition.

*  Be wary of clinics offering treatments with stem cells originating from a part of your body unrelated to your disease or condition.

  • Preconditioning stem cell with specific agents serves as an effective strategy for enhancing the therapeutic efficacy of stem cell-based therapies.

  • Stem cell therapy in our company is using customized, preconditioned mesenchymal stem cells to treat the patients.

  • Before proceeding with the therapy, the health status and disease condition of the patients will be examined to help in the therapy plan and preconditioning procedure.

  • Based on the condition of patients, the stem cells are preconditioned and customized to serve efficient results from the therapy.

* Different types of stem cells serve different purposes in the body. Be wary of clinics offering treatments with stem cells originating from a part of your body unrelated to your disease or condition.

  • Immune-Compatible 

  • Safe

Autologous Advantages

Allogeneic Advantages

  • Immune-Compatible 

  • Safe

  • Donor selection

  • Immediate availability

  • Hypo immunogenicity

  • Feasibility of preconditioning MSCs

  • MSCs of umbilical cord possess more primitive properties than the other adult stem cells

  • Easy/harmless injection

What does a stem cell do to our body?

Its main role is to replace the damaged/ injured cells in the body for the repairing of internal organs/ systems.

Most of our internal organs are working tediously every day and obviously, they will go through wear and tear processes, either getting injured or worn out. In order to maintain the best condition of the body, we couldn’t afford to lose any of our internal organs.

Here come the stem cells in our body to help us with this. Stem cells replace the damaged or dead cells to ensure that our internal organs can work properly and efficiently so that we can go on with our life.

Why Do We Use Human Stem Cells Instead of

Animal Stem Cells?

Animal stem cells can’t function in the human body and are hunted down by the natural immune system and destroyed.

It is important to understand that animal cells can overwhelm your immune system. In this case, you may experience a severe reaction.

In recent years, there have been a lot of reports about the safety issues regarding animal stem cells hence, prohibited in most countries.

Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) is NOT stem cell

Difference between PRP and Stem Cells Therapy

  1. Blood collection

  2. Centrifugation to remove red blood cells

  3. Platelet-rich plasma collection

  4. PRP injection to the patient

PRP preparation:

Platelet-Rich Plasma

  • Use to treat injuries

  • Recruits growth factors to aid the injured site

  • Effective in younger patients

  • Blood collection is required

Stem Cells

  • Stem cell is used to repair and regenerate injured tissues and to treat other disease conditions

  • Initiate body repair responses, enhances in-house stem cells regeneration activities

  • More promising results for patients of various ages

  • Blood collection is not needed for allogeneic stem cell therapy

Umbilical Cord MSC (UC-MSC)

  1. MSC from the umbilical cord represents a very promising stem cell population in regenerative medicine

  2. Cells from your own body are not automatically safe when used in treatments

  3. Your best protection against clinics selling unproven stem cell treatments is an understanding of the science behind your disease, injury, or condition.

PRP consists of two elements:

  1. Plasma – the liquid portion of the blood

  2. Platelet – a type of blood cell which plays important role in healing throughout the body

Platelets contain growth factors that can trigger cell reproduction and stimulate tissue regeneration in the treated area.

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